
EMDR Target Selection
EMDR in Action Caroline Burrows EMDR in Action Caroline Burrows

EMDR Target Selection

EMDR target selection and sequencing can be tricky, especially when dealing with complex client cases. This is a recurring theme in my consultation sessions with EMDR therapists. Understanding where to begin, what to target, and in what sequence is never straightforward with complex clients, but I have some tips to help demystify this process.

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Transitioning From Talk Therapy to EMDR
EMDR in Action Caroline Burrows EMDR in Action Caroline Burrows

Transitioning From Talk Therapy to EMDR

Getting started with EMDR Therapy can feel unfamiliar and even uncomfortable at first. Some therapists struggle to transition from their usual style to a new therapy approach. Embrace the uniqueness of EMDR as a positive opportunity for clients to try something new. The results, as clients often discover, speak for themselves.

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Creativity in EMDR Therapy
EMDR in Action Caroline Burrows EMDR in Action Caroline Burrows

Creativity in EMDR Therapy

The journey of an EMDR therapist involves two key elements: mastering fundamental skills and embracing flexibility when needed. This duality within EMDR Therapy, a structured approach coupled with scope to innovate, is one of the things that I love most about this amazing therapy. The key is finding the 'sweet spot' - staying grounded in EMDR basics while allowing space for creative adaptation.

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Neurodiverse Affirming EMDR Training
EMDR Training Caroline Burrows EMDR Training Caroline Burrows

Neurodiverse Affirming EMDR Training

In my EMDR workshops, I strive to embody authenticity and inclusivity. My training style ensures everyone feels included and valued, allowing full immersion in learning EMDR Therapy. By catering to diverse learning needs, I create an environment where each trainee can fully engage and learn effectively.

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Confidence as an EMDR Therapist
EMDR in Action Caroline Burrows EMDR in Action Caroline Burrows

Confidence as an EMDR Therapist

Starting with EMDR Therapy can be exciting and challenging, especially with complex clients. I aim to understand these challenges and empower therapists to integrate EMDR into their unique styles. It's about bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge from workshops and practical application in daily practice.

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